Taman Buaya Tuaran Sabah Crocodile Farm

Posted: January 12, 2008 in Jalan-Jalan


Located in Tuaran, northern part of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. The crocodile farm was first open on 2005 and operates as a branch of one of the three other crocodile farm in Sandakan and Langkawi with more than 1,000 crocodiles.


The background of this sucessful crocodile farm was started about 50 years ago where one young boy from a fishonger family started with small pond when a fishermen gave him crocodile hatchings that caught in their nets. From there, this boy gradually manage to built up his carrier breeding more than 3,000 crocodiles babies annually and the business keep going forward.


Before you get close see the crocodile cage, you’ll find few of other crocodiles that has been waxed for display purposed along after the entrance.


some of the crocodiles has its own story.. like this one : A giant male saltwater crocodile, 60 years old and weighing at 2200 pounds with 16 feet long was shot at Kinabatangan river in 2003 by eating one of the villagers.


As for this one.. a very skillful crocodile, 2 times champions in a row on kinabatangan river power jet ski championship.


While this one of a kind boxing crocodile you can find in Sabah.


also there’s a crocodile can stand with two legs.


This to show the idea of how the crocodile hatching.


The one and only live crocodile that not kept inside the cage was this one.. take this opportunity to feel yourself how’s a crocodile skin like, don’t worry the mouth has been covered.. with what? with soletape!!!!


This huge fish are Arapaima fish from South America, Brazil. Born in the Amazon river and it can grow along 15 feet long (man that’s big!!) with a life spend of 60 years. Many of the visitors throw up their coins into the pond and make some wish.


this how the crocodile cage looks like and there are about more than 30 cages.


from a tiny little crocodiles..


to a small size crocodiles…


and a larger crocodile.


and an extra large saltwater crocodile, born in 1984. (see the cage size compare to the rest above!!) This croc was a naturally bisexual crocodile.


While this one I find very unique where there’s no tail on this crocodile (this was real and I’m not doing my photoshop magic)


and this two hunchback crocodiles, really get my attention. Born hunchback in 1998 in Sandakan, it was said to be a birth defect and locals name it ‘Si Bongkok’.


One of the oldest crocodile in the farm, 70 years old saltwater crocodile at 19 feet long. Killed a man in Kinabatangan river in 2006 and attacked one villagers and bite off his feet on Feb last year. Behold the one and only… ‘Bujang Sukau’


and while waiting for the crocodile show that starts at 1pm, nearby there’s a pond of plenty of hungry river fish.


what you need to do is to feed them with this.


This poor little cute deer is waiting to be thrown into one of the crocodile cage… He! He! just kidding! I’m not so sure what this deer doing here, according to the worker, all crocodiles are feed by a chicken and meat that are bought from the market.


This is how the crocodile show pond looks like. Can you spotted 5 crocodiles inside?(urgh!! the big one was so obvious, don’t count that one)


and it’s show timeeeee…. There were 4 peoples in the pond, 3 male and one cute female. All of these guys really have balls (exclude the female) where they only holding a stick of bamboo as protection. According to the speaker, all crew are communicate with the crocodile through their heart.


The show starts playing with a small size of crocodiles first where they showed the back skin of crocodiles that worth few thousands ringgit.


Next, one of the crew shows his skills dancing with the small crocodile while a local songs call ‘Proton Saga Kelabu’ played loud on the speaker as the background.


After.. they showed DIY on how to brush a crocodile teeth. See the toothbrush??? Basar gilak!


and it’s time to play with one of the largest crocodile in the house, aka ‘Bujang Tuaran’ .. This time the girl showed her skills on how to give massage on Bujang’s back using her feet.


While this is how you give massage to crocodile’s back using your hand in silence.


and last one, a special pose to the visitors. Give applause to Bujang Tuaran and his crew…


The special show for the day not just ended there, after..there’s a cultural dance show in this long house or the locals call it ‘Rumah Panjang’


The cultural dance show start with ‘Tarian Limbai’, a traditional dance from the Bajau community from Kota Belud district of the west coast of Sabah.


next, a dance call ‘Tarian Sumazau’, is a popular dance of the Kadazandusun a minority in the west coast of Sabah.


and last one was my favourite.. ‘Tarian Magunatip’, a dance perfomed among the indegious people of the interior of Sabah including the Kadazandusun of Tambunan and many of Muruts groups.


What makes this Magunatip dance unique was the skills of the dancers dancing + playing with bamboos was really amazing.


after the show finished, you can visit the long house by this bamboo bridge to see how the interior like.


and last, before you go, test your skills on this FREE Fishing pond.


Taman Buaya Tuaran Sabah Crocodile Farm
Tickets : RM10 (Adult) / RM5 (Children)
Opens Daily : 8.30am to 5.30pm
Tel : +6088 793376
Crocodile Show Time :

  • Mon to Sat (11.30am – 3.30pm)
  • Sun and Public Holidays (11.30am, 1.30pm and 3.30pm)
  1. shana says:

    sia blum lagi parnah pi sini.nantilah sia sanang sanang sia pi lawat bujang sanang.

  2. How come you promote the buaya and your wife only? What about you?
    What about the restaurant? Got any ‘crocodile based’ meal?

  3. esharkj says:

    Errrrr… nothing to promote myself lah, sia ni tidak hensem, but cute cikit2 adala.

    As for the restaurant.. no lah, there’s no super special crocodile based meal. But they do have souvenir’s shop selling lots of handbags, belts and other accessories made from the crocodile skin. The most expensive handbag I found would cost RM10K… I’m running out of batt camera as this supposed to be in the article.

  4. ujie says:

    best gak dpt pi sana, bnyk tul buaya, tak lupa pada bujang tuaran hebat beraksi….

  5. esharkj says:

    Ya.. si Bujang Tuaran memang hebat lagi besar.. if you’re not able to go there Tuaran, Sandakan also got one the same kind of Taman Buaya.. pigila ujie, siok bah!

  6. […] Taman Buaya Tuaran Sabah Crocodile Farmafter the show finished, you can visit the long house by this bamboo bridge to see how the interior like. and last, before you go, test your skills on this FREE Fishing pond. Taman Buaya Tuaran Sabah Crocodile Farm … […]

  7. bagi la info tambang p sana bah.. dri KK p sana. ada bus masuk dlm sna kaa?.. mahal ka tambang?(teda discount kaa?).. kasian ba student mo bayar mahal2 p sana.. gara2 mo buat assignment jaa.. oya, terminal nya mana?. ada ka bas dari tuaran p croc farm tu?.. aa?.

  8. esharkj says:

    michelle & aida,

    Okay here what I got for you girls..

    Adventurous yet cheapest :
    – take a bus from KK to Tuaran town – RM4 per person(but since the petrol price up not sure maybe RM5)
    – stop at Tuaran town and go to Bolong bus stop (near 7-Eleven).
    – take ‘Bas Sapu’ (normally ordinary van) from Bolong bus stop and the bus will take you to Tuaran Crocodile Farm.
    – the bus will stop at the simpang and you can just walk to the main entrance for 5-minutes walk.
    – bus sapu will cost RM1.50 per person.

    Faster yet affordable :
    – Take taxi from KK – direct to Tuaran Crocodile farm will cost you RM80 (now, maybe mahal cikit pasal harga minyak naik suda)

    Expensive yet convenient :
    you can always rent a car, (but make sure got license one) since I don’t know you girls are student of which level.
    – Kancil – RM100 (sehari)
    – Iswara – RM160 (sehari)
    – Wira – RM180 (sehari)
    – Unser – RM270 (sehari)
    – Avanza – RM250 (sehari)
    – Keta kawan – (belanja dia makan McD ja)

    more info on car rental : http://malaysiatour2u.com

    Ticket kalu student memang ada discount, just bring your student card and it will cost you RM4 per entry.

    Hope those info might help!

    Oh! lupa.. the best time to go is in May-June, sebab buaya2 tu tgh musim mengawan so those crocodiles will be more agresif and means more action for you girls to see.. enjoy!!

  9. Qissty says:

    wahhh..menarik lah! i mesti datng tempat ni nanti…kita jumpa ya bujang Tuaran,i Peluk2 u…hahaha terlebih sudaaa!

  10. esharkj says:

    yeah! pigi la beramai-ramai lagi best.. kalau ada bawa kawan2 ko yang takut dengan buaya. Hi! Hi!

  11. nancy says:

    Malaysia Boleh… lah!

  12. nancy says:

    “o gui lo”

  13. calvin says:

    wakakakka..nanti saya pe tengok buaya tue nanti heheh

  14. esharkj says:

    calvin, kalu mo lagi siok.. ko bawak member2 ko yang panakut2.. ha! ha! ha! ha!

  15. Aiyane says:

    Wah…syok bah kat sini…Byk buaya terjumpa…Cantik hensem buaya dya…Haha..Sia pigi masa skula kami ada lawatan…Yg sia takut tgk yg ‘bujang sukau’…

  16. okebahkaloko says:

    la…saya ni urg tuaran tapi blum pernah pi sana.takut kana makan buaya.lol…kin malu urg tuaran jak..haha..tiapalah bah kan.

  17. esharkj says:

    Boya sukau.. yeah.. itu yg paling basar sia nampak disana.

    Oh huuu.. ko org Tuaran kah?? dekat saja bah tu taman buaya sana. semua buaya2 tuh dalam sangkar di bawah aras kaki kita, lain lah kalu boya tu buleh malumpat.. jgn takut bah! okeh bah kalo ko!!

  18. Abbas Bahramloo says:

    Dear Sir

    We have a farm in Iran and would like to become a croc breeding farm ( on farm only,not river) we make use of borehole water,
    we want to know what you ask for the baby croc’s, we keep them for 3 or 4 years and sell them again .

    Can you assist ? we are a cattle and chicken farm and have a lot for them to eat . we do not want to waste. But do have the space.
    please i like to know how much is the price for egg & baby croc(hatchling) & mature croc too (male & female).porosus & nile we need…

    Please send me the prises as well as the delivery cost and sizes available.

    we guess require more than 1000 pieces yearly.
    [e.g We ordering at least 600 egg or baby croc 2 times yearly ], and need near 50/70 maturity croc (e.g 17-18 y old) too.

    This is urgent . please mail back .soon .


    Abbas Bahramloo


  19. effell says:


  20. bibiey_1b says:

    sya..bekas karaja d tmn boya ni dlu
    mmg best giler kalo sapa2 yg p sana..
    skrg ni rindu pla sya sma kwn2 lama d sna huhuhu..
    nti ada masa sya mau p melwt drg,trus sya mau p tingu buah hati sya c bujang tuaran…kihkih..

  21. esharkj says:

    Hi bibiey..
    Ha! ha! rindu ko sama si Bujang Tuaran.. ada masi dia tu sana, kirim salam kalu ko jmpa dia ah. 😉

  22. dj wan says:

    aim getting proud of development in sabah strictly in farm crocodile now available in tuaran,, now very one know it,,,well done

  23. dj wan says:

    oh ya,,,,widuri….dont know how to say,,,but i want u be there wit me

  24. dayang says:

    siok jua tu bejalan meliat taman buaya,tapi..tiketnya nda bulih kurang ka dikit tu.he…..

  25. esharkj says:

    mun kali biskita kawin sama anak taukeh buaya atu, entrance feenya kalu masuk hari2 indak payah bayar pulang tu..

  26. Jingkung says:

    wow .. siuk uuu .. mau pigi ni nanti … thanks 4 the info .. menarik tertarik yoku

  27. ika fauziah says:

    udah penah p kat sane tp maybe 2010 dah ade perubahan kali kan…………….

  28. rye says:

    bah,datanglah ramai2 d taman buaya,tapi awas siapa yg pernah mkn daging buaya jgn cuba2 dekat dgn 2 buaya nanti kena makan balik oleh 2 buaya

  29. tyz says:

    nice, next trip will go there to have a look. by KL guy

  30. kulit buaya says:

    kasian bnget nasib nya yg d air keras tuch

  31. Zu says:

    nak beli buaya tak?? kalo nak saya ada supplier

  32. rozie says:

    Hari ne aq nak g cna..x sabar mo tgk boya2 2 hihi

  33. khairunisa says:

    hari ni saya nak pegi taman buaya dgn kawan dan famili. ini kali ke tiga suda

  34. viane says:

    bujang,,,kita jumpa besuk ar….<3

  35. esharkj says:

    Tima kasih sumua yg sudi komen dan diharap terlibur ngan buaya2 tu..

    viane@ kim salam sama si bujang ahh ;p

  36. Sally Necolas says:

    holla…kami bercadang untuk mengadakan lawatan ke Taman Buaya,Tuaran…kalau ramai2 kami ada diskaun kaitu???hehehe….

  37. Brenn says:

    ada makanan sadap sadap bah sini kan.

  38. jocelyn says:

    ee kasitau ba gia mcm mnan mw p sana ni? sya x tau jalan dia, simpang

  39. nicholas says:

    syok oh tu lagu “prutun saga kelabu”uiseh sypk tu

  40. matt says:

    How much for non Malaysian???

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